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MQTT Bluetooth presence

This is the bluetooth precense detection through bluetooth. Checkout the for details of usage. Thanks Andrew Freyer for your great work.

This has been tested on intel nuc machines running linux but it could work on Raspberry PI too.

You may or not need sudo before all commands in this setup, depending on your setup.

Requirements - You need MQTT enabled on this or any host in your network - Bluetooth enabled in hardware - Bluetooth service disabled on host system (see Check host system)


Check host system

  1. Check that bluetooth is enabled for your nuc hardware.
  2. Make sure the bluetooth service not running on the NUC. Easiest is to make sure service bluetooth not running. Depending on operating system, write service --status-all to or systemctl status service_name. If it is running, stop it and maker sure it don´t run at startup. (You would have to google for that one :) )

Make docker image

  1. Check the docker.compose.yaml file to see if you want to map the volumes differently. Change for your own pleasure.
  2. Copy the content in the folder nuc_bluetooth to your device, as root type `docker-compose up -d'. Now it will build the image and and install the service
  3. In the host volume you specified, change MQTT settings as specified in the file mqtt_preferences
  4. Restart docker by running docker-compose restart
  5. View log in or write docker logs hass_bluetooth --followto view the logs for errors

Configure devices to scan for

Finding MAC of your devices

  1. Login as root
  2. Run the command docker exec -it hass_bluetooth hcitool scan
  3. Turn bluetooth on/off on the device during scan make it faster to find the device. Use that mac address on screen

Configure devices

  1. Put the MAC addresses of the BT device in the owner_devices file
  2. Restart docker docker-compose restart or in and check log i.e. docker logs hass_bluetooth --follow or in In the logs you can see the full mqtt-topic for the devices to put in the Home assistant config.

Configure Home Assistant

See and logs for the topic used.

